понедельник, 12 января 2009 г.

Textpattern Solution - PHP-based content management made easy

Textpattern Solutions leaves no stone unturned. It starts by introducing you to Textpattern and guiding you through its simple installation process. After the core features of the administrative interface are explored, the book dives into building sites with TXP, using CSS, articles, forms, pages, and more to create fully customized, totally dynamic templates.

The book then covers development issues like installing plugins and building your own custom plugins to further enhance your Textpattern-based site.

The book concludes with several case studies to provide ideas and inspiration, including a weblog, an e-commerce site, and an online review directory.

Хоть книга и на английском языке вам не понадобится его профессиональное знание. Ведь это техническая книга и достаточно печатать код из книги, зная базовые слова анлгийского языка.

Оффициальный сайт (en): http://www.textpatternsolutions.com/

Отзывы о книге (en): http://www.textpatternsolutions.com/book-reviews

Скачать бесплатно (26.63mb): http://openfile.ru/178218/

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